
I earned 3rd place in the triathlon and someone else got my award.

Sorry to disappoint you. No hysterical stories to share this week. I actually felt like I kinda belonged there. I mean, I had functioning goggles AND the swim cap immediately upped my credibility, a bike that fit me AND had properly inflated tires, and I didn’t bike with my swim cap or run with my bike helmet. That’s a hugely successful race! The running was the hardest part. After the 13.5 miles on the bike my legs were like bricks so I walked a bit. But that’s ok. I kept going.

✔️ 300 m swim (that I actually swam)
✔️ 13.5 mile bike ride
✔️ 3 mile run/walk combo

When we looped back around on the run after the half way point, I was cheering for a gal as she was still running to the turn around point and when I was encouraging her she said ‘oh there’s probably only 2 people behind me.’  I said “that may be true but there are also millions of people still in bed. You’re doing awesome!”  Gotta admit I kinda enjoyed it. It was hard (maybe I should train for it next year) but it was a great challenge.

This is the first year for Kirby Medical Center Triathlon in Monticello.  I’m new to these but this event was organized, well done and they had a great swag bag with lots of goodies including a t-shirt I’ll actually wear (vneck, great color and fit. yay!) and they had cool finisher’s medal.  If you’ve ever considered trying something like this, definitely check this one out.

So, I crossed the finish line and made it over to the awards ceremony area in time to hear the announcements begin for the women’s divisions.   After all the winners of each age group was announced, I load up to go home feeling good about what I accomplished.  Upon returning home, I look up my race time.  My goal was to finish under 2 hours.  That would mean that I finished at a faster pace doing 300 m swim, 13.5 mile bike, and 3 mile run than my pace was last week’s 200 m swim, 6 mile bike and 2 mile run.   My bike pace was so much faster this week (imagine that!) but my run time was not good.  I was having trouble telling my mind that I could keep running with what felt like bricks attached to my legs.   I was pleasantly surprised that I was several minutes under 2 hours and was very happy with that.  And then I look at the results and it says, I got THIRD PLACE in my age group.  What?!?!

I was there when they were passing out awards and having the 1st-3rd place finishers come to the podium for a photo. This can’t be right.  Well it is!  Apparently, they ran the times and chose the winners before I even crossed the finish line.  The way you start out in triathlons staggered, I started my race over 30 minutes after the first person.  Swimming is not my strength so I started near the end of the 136 racers who participated.   Turns out I DID beat the gal who was recognized for 3rd place by 2 minutes.  How cool is that?!   Even though I crossed the finish line later than she did, my race time was faster because your official race time doesn’t start until you cross the mat to get in the pool.  Let’s not get into specifics but I will say there were actually more than 3 people in my age group.  😉

So here’s to the year I should have been on the podium and wasn’t.  And here’s to next year where I will work to earn that position again!  🙂



This was the first year for KMC Triathlon. Organized and very nicely done.
This was the first year for KMC Triathlon. Organized and very nicely done.


There were lots of racers who looked like they knew what they were doing. Out of my league.
There were lots of racers who looked like they knew what they were doing. Out of my league but I don’t mind running with the big dogs.


Well, what else should one do when you look so good?!? :-)
Well, what else should one do when you look so good in a swim cap and goggles?!? 🙂


Our goal was to finish. Just finish. And we both surprised ourselves. Stephanie crushed it. Her time was incredible. She did awesome! We did awesome! We did it! Yahoo!
Our goal was to finish. Just finish. And we both surprised ourselves. Stephanie crushed it. Her time was incredible. She did awesome! We did awesome! We did it! Yahoo!
Not only do they 'tattoo' you with your age for everyone to see, they ask you for your age as of the end of the year. So today I got to come to grips with me turning 40 in a few months.
Not only do they ‘tattoo’ you with your age for everyone to see, they ask you for your age as of the end of the year. So today I got to come to grips with me turning 40 in a few months.


I've done 5k races and such but never been more proud of a Finisher Medal than I am of this one. I earned it by going out of my comfort zone. Love how unique these hand created medals are too.
I’ve done 5k races and such but never been more proud of a Finisher Medal than I am of this one. I earned it by going out of my comfort zone. Love how unique these hand created medals are too.


Edit:  I was notified this morning that I can pick up my award at KMC.  Looks like they made another one for me.  I’ll display it proudly.  🙂  But oh I want a pic on the podium.  Next year!


Heather is the owner of Sweet Lemonade Photography and co-owner of Sweet Darling Weddings located in central Illinois (Mahomet).  Life gave her a bunch of lemons (you can read a little more here) and by keeping her focus on God, finding the positive in each day, and surrounding herself with supporting, loving and encouraging people she has turned those lemons into the sweetest lemonade.  This blog has been created to share her heart, her adventures and find ways to bless others.  You can contact her at heather@sweetlemonadelife.com.