
Win a custom logo branding package by Gini Jane Designs! Affordable branding options for your business.

Do you own a small business?  Are you struggling with creating a cohesive look and feel for your company?  The logo and branding of your business is one critical aspect to presenting yourself to the world so you’re attracting the right clients to you.

My friend Gini, who is a graphic designer, has created logos for several businesses and would love to help you out also.   Here’s just a few she has designed.   Be sure to keep scrolling down to learn how you can try to win a customized branding package valued at $150!























Gini worked as an in-house graphic designer for a local company for 10 years. Then in 2014, after being a full time mom to two little girls for 4 years, she realized she missed designing and decided to start her own business. In November 2014, Gini Jane Designs began. In the past 2.5 years, she’s had the pleasure of designing everything from party invitations to social media images to business logos to promotional fliers. “I truly love what I do and would be thrilled to create the perfect image for your business,” said Gini.

Sooooo, would you like to have a new or updated logo and coordinating images that can be used on social media for FREE?!?!?   🙂  That’s $150 value for free!  Zip. Zilch. Nada.  How awesome is that?!  And Gini is also extending a $25 discount to EVERY person who commissions her to create a customized branding package before August 15th.   So even if you don’t win, you can still save.  So don’t delay!

  1. Like Gini Jane Designs on Facebook
  2. Comment on this blog post that you completed step #1.
  3. That’s it.

A winner will be chosen at random on Friday, August 5th.






Heather is the owner of Sweet Lemonade Photography and co-owner of Sweet Darling Weddings.  Life gave her a bunch of lemons (you can read a little more here) and by keeping her focus on God, finding the positive in each day, and surrounding herself with supporting, loving and encouraging people she has turned those lemons into the sweetest lemonade.  This blog has been created to share her heart, her adventures and find ways to bless others.  You can contact her at heather@sweetlemonadelife.com.


  1. Completed! This would be awesome! I am about to start a funny/sarcastic mommy blog!

  2. I completed step one (see how obedient I am 🙂 I just got back from a conference which focused on branding for our business. I did not realize the impact and difference it really makes. Thanks for sharing this.

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