
My 2016 Goal is to Make Goals

I rarely set goals.  And I’m about to change that.

The last few years have provided me with a lot of growth, opportunity for reflection, and figuring out what really drives, inspires and fulfills me.  One thing I’m figuring out is when I set goals, I want to achieve them. What a shock!  When I commit to something I give it everything I have.  Almost to a fault.  I’m an all or nothing kinda gal in all aspects of my life.  There is no moderation.

I started working out again at No Limit Fitness in November, after packing on way too many pounds. You can read about the turning point to wanting to take care of myself again was on our trip to Florida here.  I eased my way back into it.  It was hard at first just getting my booty to the gym so I would get there 2-3 times a week and be thankful for that.  I cried at the gym and you can read about that here.

I decided to set a simple goal.  A goal that can not be measured by progress, weight, reps, f44b136f0a701197b87bb9faa88262deetc.  A goal of just showing up.  I promised to walk through the gym door 5 days a week for the month of January.  I also chose to give up ALL pop for 30 days since I love to drink about 40-60 ounces of Mountain Dew a day.  Haven’t had a drop of pop at all.  And it was remarkably easy.  And you know what is happening?  It’s already week 4 and I’m not just meeting the goals, I’m surpassing them.  Last week, I put my 5 days in at the gym.  And on the 6th day, I decided to go for a 20 minute run.  It was not fast, it was not far.  But I ran.  I did MORE.  And by doing more, I want to do even more than that.  Achieving goals produces satisfaction to want to make new goals and be better.  Who would have guessed huh?! ha!


So why don’t I set more goals?  In other areas of my life?  One word.  Fear.  If you set goals, write them down, and even share them with others, it holds you accountable.  What if I don’t achieve my goal? What if I fail?  That’s scary.  For many years, I allowed thoughts and opinions of  others impact what I thought about myself.  I lost confidence, felt worthless and incapable of pretty much all things.  I felt like I could never measure up.  I would never be good enough.  Without even realizing it, I slowly allowed another person determine my worth, my value, and my abilities.  Setting goals and failing would provide another opportunity to prove others that they were correct in their evaluation of me.  So I didn’t set them.  It was easier that way.  fe105e7557fa30e73909e5c0a0397e88

The last few years, I’ve spent more time improving me…. and then backsliding and….improving again. Through it, I’ve learned a lot about myself.  I’ve learned what makes me tick.  I’ve learned what fuels me.  I’ve learned where my strengths lie. I’ve learned where I need help.  I’ve learned what I need to feel satisfied. I’ve learned that I’m good enough.  God tells me I’m good enough.  You are good enough too.  Just the way you are.  God says so.

I am a happy go lucky, fly by the seat of my pants, take life one day at a time kinda gal.  I like to be spontaneous, have fun, be kind, share love, and be genuine.  I hate to admit it, but I’m also realizing that I am craving a bit of structure.  Never thought I’d say that.  I want to set goals.  I’m starting to dream big.  And now I’m ready to make a plan to help me figure out how to get there.

So for 2016 my goal is…. to make goals.  Goals for my family, business, fitness, healthy eating and spiritual. When I spend time nurturing these areas of my life, I feel fulfilled and content.  I want to find an accountability partner for each of these.

Goals for my business are the most scary.  It means I am making changes and setting goals to increase my business and saying out loud what I plan to achieve.  And that’s frightening because I have to believe that I am worth it.  I have to believe that I can achieve the goals I set.  I have to believe in me.  I CHOOSE to believe in me today!

It’s time to grow.  It’s time to feel fulfilled.  I’ve spent the last few weeks having such a lack of focus on what to accomplish because I honestly don’t know where I’m going.  I need goals.  I want to wake up with determination and go to bed with satisfaction.  Whether my day is filled with things to grow my business, spending time with my kids doing projects or filling my cup up by visiting with friends, I want to find balance and live each day with a plan, intention and purpose.

Watch out, I’m creating goals.  2016 is gonna be a great year!

What are your dreams?  What goals do you have?  I’d love to hear them.  Let’s support each other as we all strive to be more in 2016!






  1. Heather,

    You don’t know me from anybody but we have many mutual friends on Facebook. By chance , I clicked on your Blog and I am hooked! You have a wonderous storytelling ability–I love to read your musings! It takes such determination and discipline to write down your everyday thoughts — I am sure many can relate to your words. I know I can (and my three girls are grown and out of the nest!)
    Keep on “keeping on ” you are an inspiration to many!

    Kind Regards,
    Terri Gibble

    1. Wow Terri, thanks so much for your kind words. As I started this blog I wasn’t sure if I’d have anything to say that the ‘average person’ (people that didn’t know me) would even want to read it. I started this thinking I was writing for myself and my #1 fan (my mom) to enjoy. 🙂 Happy to hear you are enjoying it too!

  2. I love reading all of your posts. I wish I had the determination and drive you have. You seem to have so much fun all the time.

    1. I do have fun! Life is hard. So there are days, Jenny, I don’t have the drive but I keep getting back up at trying again. 😉

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